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Lapis Philosophorum » 2008

This is so Exciting!

Posted in Tarot on September 12th, 2008 by Kristine Gazel

Welcome to my new blog on one single topic: Tarot and my love for it.

I’m very excited about this, and I am looking forward to sharing my passion.

This blog will function both as a tarotblog and as a ressouceguide about the topic of Tarot. I’ll try to write a least one or two posts per week.

In the About … page you’ll soon be able to read about me and my love for Tarot, and soon here will be links to and comments on Tarot cards, decks and books on this site.

I am currently writing an essay about Why I’m reading tarot. I’m writing the essay to clear some things out for myself and therefore I’m writing it in danish – my mothers tongue. But as soon as I feel ready I’ll also post it here in an english version.

Kristine Gazel.
