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Lapis Philosophorum » initiation

The Hanged Man

Posted in DruidCraft Tarot, Tarot on December 30th, 2010 by Kristine Gazel

Day of Rest: – Dec 30th This card shows us how to walk our path in a relaxed and confident way….with the ability to deal with stressful situations in a philosophical, detached way.

The Hanged Man.

This man is in fact The Corn King or God, soon he will be sacrificed to ensure peace and fertility. He is closely connected to the Lady, The Corn Goddess.

Letting go of expectations, of attempts to understand things rationally, to hold and to have, of attention and approval from others. Letting go of trying to control situations. When we think we are in control of certain situations, they are in fact in control of us, because we are striving so hard to be in control.

Instead; surrender, sacrifice, patience, peace.

This card is about getting a deeper experience when surrendering to something greater. He is telling me to be confident in the path and the process, and to give in to the experience of just being. Surrendering will be an initiation to the mystery of life.

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