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Lapis Philosophorum » journey

The Alchemical Tarot Renewed

Posted in Alchemical Tarot, Journal, Tarot on January 4th, 2009 by Kristine Gazel

I have committed to do a process called Primary Deck Reflections (PDR) for the year of 2009 at the Aeclectic Tarot Forum.

I’ll be using the Alchemical Tarot Renewed by Robert M. Place.  It will be my 2009 study and reflection deck, and I’ll use it for reading for my self only. That mean I’ll still be using  the Universal Waite – but when reading for others, which I hope to do more this year.


The Virtues: Temperance, Strength, Justice and Prudence as the World

I simply feel an urge to dive into the mysteries of the Alchemical Tarot in partucular and Alchemy in general. Therefore I chose this deck, which I find quite fascinating – yet difficult to approach. Apart from that – as stated below in the Sacred Days of Yule Spread – I’ll embark on a spiritual journey seaching for my Soul or my Self  (Six of Swords) of a secret character – and I guess the Alchemical Tarot will fit the nature of this journey perfectly and function as a road map.

I’ll try to read once a week with the Alchemical Tarot, and then write a journal entry in this blog  – if the circumstances of my life permit. That will be during the weekends. Mostly just three card spreads. I’ll post both here and at the Aeclectic tarot Forum. Approximately but not necessarily the same stuff.

I’m waiting for the new book to accompany the deck to be released. Until that I’ll use the study group at Aeclectic for reference, since I’m not into this deck, all though I know a little tiny bit about alchemy. I’ll also try to compile a referencelist of Alchemical Litterature, to post in the Ressourceguide category. This litterature, I’ll try to read during this year.

Images from The Alchemical Tarot, copyright Robert M. Place, are used with kind permission. Visit the Alchemical Tarot website.

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Birth of Freyja – 6 of Swords

Posted in DruidCraft Tarot, Journal on December 28th, 2008 by Kristine Gazel

“This card points to issues of love, luck, artistic and creative expression and female wisdom.”

Whereas the foregoing card seems to be about how I can nurture and take care of my family and friends – this card is more about the conditions for me to take care of my Self . The 6 of swords is a about a journey (of consciousness), about solace and about healing. So I have to take a journey of healing of solace of my body, soul and spirit to be able to  and connect to love, creativity and female wisdom within myself.

And I know exactly what this journey is about.

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