I will now try to make a quick summary of the whole of the Sacred Days Of yule Spread, where I look more on the cards themselves than on their positional meanings.
I allow my self to also see this as what could happen to or in me (as a process of transformation) in the upcoming year of 2009.
I drew 4 Majors; The Hermit, The Star, The Strength, and The Fferyllt.
I drew 3 Courts: The Princess of Wands, The Princess of Swords, and the Queen of Wands.
I drew 2 fives; 5 of Pentacles and 5 of Cups,
8 and 10 of Wands, and 6 of Swords.
Thereby Wands are best presented, then Swords – and then Cups and Pentacles by one card each.
The dynamic element of fire is thus dominant, especially by counting the Strength and The Fferyllt in.
Also there is a dominance of female energy in the cards, the Princesses and the Queen, and three Majors depicting aspects of the Goddess.
I think this has something to do with stop hiding my true Self in the shadows (Hermit), and instead letting myself grow and let my potential flourish more in the open. Something new can take it’s beginning and something is on its way (The Princesses and 8 of Wands). But I have to rid my self of outburnt, old energy (10 of Wands) and let go of feelings of or fear of loosing and abandonment (The fives). I think this has to with a feeling of guilt. I also think that this will be a slow, quiet process as depicted in the 6 of Swords. And I do know what this process is, and that it will and must be slow.
The Princesses tell me that it has also something to do with creativity and getting in touch with my spirit through knowledge, learning and rationality (Princess of Swords). Maybe even through writing – which would be the natural way for me to express my creativity. The Queen of Wands as the final card tells me about manifestation and maturation of the sexuality and creativity as represented by the Princess of Wands.
Finally there is The Star, The Strength and the Fferyllt. It seems that I will be in contact with some feminine, very strong energies. They are about Tranguility, about Blending and Balancing energies, and not to be afraid of being in Power.
Overall this is about not being afraid, of letting things go and to be confident in my Self.